Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Photos, are there more of them in this world than there are playing cards?

Flickr. It is a website. A website for photos. People can sign up for a basic account for free and put upload their photos! They are able to tag them, share them, make them private, copyright them, change and edit them! Technology, what a wonderful thing. I managed to play around with a lot of the tools they offer and it was rather marvellous. You can search through Flickr for photos you would like to use as well. I found more photos avaliable through google images but the ones on Flickr subscribe to the quality over quanitity theory. Quite noticably so. While we are talking about images lets move further onto 'moving photos'.

These have been around for about a century or so and today represent a massive industry worth hundreds of billions of dollars all around the world. It has got to the stage where people can create their own moving photos and put them on the internet for people to watch. There are several sites that people can use to do this. There is videojug (totally useless), vimeo (slightly useless) and youtube (totally legendary). I found the most totally awesome video (for me this week anyway) on youtube so I shall imbed it in a new post after this one. Enjoy it and its shear awesomeness.

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